Education for Everyone
In the XXI century, there are still plenty of countries where education is forbidden to women.

Primary School for Kids
This cause is meant to raise funds to build a chain of schools in Malawi, Burundi,…

Education to Every Child
Our organization stands for the right to education for every child and person on this planet.
Donate Blood & Save a Life
Charlie can return to normal. In the meantime, we are
so grateful to everyone who participated in the last month's
Become a Volunteer
Nearest Events
August 22, 2021 12:00 am
Child Rights Consultation
Our organization stands for the right to education for every child and person on this planet. This event is meant to raise funds to build a chain...
Read moreSeptember 1, 2021 12:00 am
Workshop by John Doe
For many people, charity is a way of life. One question is how much to give throughout your lifetime and what to leave as charitable gifts in your...
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